Kovalenko Correction
Dennis Monokroussos has shown that the ChessCafe endgame study #534 (V. Kovalenko, published in Shakhmaty Moskva in 1971) is cooked.
Here, I offer a correction for Kovalenko's endgame study, which does not require any additional material.

8/4N3/1k3P2/8/8/8/6r1/3K4 ; White to play and win
Below, each exclamation is only move which wins.
1...Ra2 2.Nc8!
1...Rc2 2.f7!
1...Rg1 2.Ke2!
1...Rg3 2.Ke2!
1...Rg4 2.Nd5!
1...Rh2 2.f7!
The study is busted, but since the refutation is so simple, I initially suspected that the webmaster forgot to add a piece to the diagram, such as a pawn on a6. Unfortunately, the study is cooked a second way, too!
Here, I offer a correction for Kovalenko's endgame study, which does not require any additional material.

8/4N3/1k3P2/8/8/8/6r1/3K4 ; White to play and win
Below, each exclamation is only move which wins.
1...Ra2 2.Nc8!
1...Rc2 2.f7!
1...Rg1 2.Ke2!
1...Rg3 2.Ke2!
1...Rg4 2.Nd5!
1...Rh2 2.f7!
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