Kovalenko Correction
The study is busted, but since the refutation is so simple, I initially suspected that the webmaster forgot to add a piece to the diagram, such as a pawn on a6. Unfortunately, the study is cooked a second way, too!
Here, I offer a correction for Kovalenko's endgame study, which does not require any additional material.

8/4N3/1k3P2/8/8/8/6r1/3K4 ; White to play and win
Below, each exclamation is only move which wins.
1...Ra2 2.Nc8!
1...Rc2 2.f7!
1...Rg1 2.Ke2!
1...Rg3 2.Ke2!
1...Rg4 2.Nd5!
1...Rh2 2.f7!